Chapter 4: Security Configuration | 19
ProSafe 5 AP Wireless Management Software WMS105
3. Select the Enable checkbox to enable (or disable) the corresponding profile.
4. To change the settings of a security profile, select the profile and click the Edit button.
Editing a Security Profile
This lets you change the Security Profile settings of the profile that you selected on the Profile
Settings page.
• Name: A unique name for the Security Profile, up to 32 alphanumeric characters. Use
meaningful names instead of the default names. The default profile names are Profile1,
Profile2, and so on.
• Wireless Network Name (SSID): The name of the wireless network associated with this
• Broadcast Wireless Network Name (SSID): Enabled by default. If set to Yes, the SSID
is broadcast. If you disable broadcast of the SSID, only devices that have the correct
SSID can connect to the access point.
• Network Authentication: The authentication type to be used. See Table 2 on page 20.
• Data Encryption: The data encryption type to be used. The options available for data
encryption depend on the Network Authentication settings. See Table 2 on page 20.
• Wireless Client Security Separation: If enabled, the associated wireless clients will not
be able to communicate with each other. This feature is intended for hot spots and other
public access situations.
• VLAN: The default VLAN ID to be associated with this security profile. This must match
the VLAN ID used by other network devices.