Chapter 2. Using the XAV5501 Powerline Utility | 12
2. Using the XAV5501 Powerline Utility
This chapter explains how to install and use the XAV5501 Powerline Utility. The Powerline Utility
works with all Powerline AV products. The models XAV101, XAV101v2, XAV1004, XAV1501,
XAV2001, XAV2501, XAVN2001, XAV5001, and XAV5004 are compatible and can share the
same powerline network.
Use the NETGEAR Powerline Utility to:
• Configure encryption for your Powerline network
• Perform diagnostics and monitor performance
• Set quality of service (QoS) features to prioritize Powerline network traffic
• Reset adapters to factory default settings
Installing the XAV5501 Powerline Utility
This utility allows you to set your own unique Powerline network encryption key, and prioritize
traffic passing through your Powerline network.
To install the XAV5501 Powerline Utility:
1. From your browser, go to this URL link:
2. Under Product Quick Links, click Powerline Utility Version
3. Scroll down to the bottom of the Powerline Utility Version page, and right-click the
Right-click and Save to Download button.
4. On the pop-up menu, select Save Target As, and save the Powerline utility to the directory
of your choice.
5. Click the Run button when prompted.