Easy Setup 7-5
2. Select the first item on the Main Menu list, Easy Setup. Press Return to bring up the DSL Line
Configuration menu screen.
DSL Line Configuration
3. Select Regional Setting and from the pop-up menu select either Annex A or Annex B. North American users
select Annex A; non-North American users select Annex B.
4. Select Data Link Encapsulation and from the pop-up menu choose your DLE.
■ If you selected RFC1483, the next pop-up menu RFC1483 Mode offers the choice of Bridged 1483 or
Routed 1483. If you select Bridged 1483, a new option PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE) appears. You can
then toggle PPPoE On or Off. Choosing Routed 1483 hides the PPPoE option.
■ If you selected PPP, the next pop-up menu PPP Mode offers the choice of VC Multiplexed or LLC SNAP.
5. The next two fields, Data Circuit VPI and Data Circuit VCI are editable. Enter the Virtual Path Identifier and
Virtual Channel Identifier values that your provider specifies. For more information on VPIs and VCIs, see
“Multiple ATM Permanent Virtual Circuit Support” on page 9-3.
6. Press the Down arrow key until you reach NEXT SCREEN. Press Return to bring up the next screen.
DSL Line Configuration
Regional Setting... Annex A
Data Link Encapsulation... RFC1483
RFC1483 Mode... Bridged 1483
PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE): Off
Data Circuit VPI (0-255): 8
Data Circuit VCI (0-65535): 35