5-4 Getting Started Guide
Launch your terminal emulation software and configure the communications software for the values shown in
the table below. These are the default communication parameters that the Netopia 4622 uses.
Navigating through the Console Screens
Use your keyboard to navigate the Netopia 4622’s configuration screens, enter and edit information, and make
choices. The following table lists the keys to use to navigate through the console screens.
Parameter Suggested Value
Terminal type PC: ANSI-BBS
Mac: ANSI, VT-100, or VT-200
Data bits 8
Parity None
Stop bits 1
Speed 9600 - 57600 bits per second
Flow Control None
Note: The router firmware contains an autobaud detection feature. If you are at any
screen on the serial console, you can change your baud rate and press Return
(HyperTerminal for the PC requires a disconnect). The new baud rate is displayed at
the bottom of the screen.
To... Use These Keys...
Move through selectable items in a screen or pop-up menu Up, Down, Left, and Right Arrow
Set a change to a selected item or open a pop-up menu of
options for a selected item like entering an upgrade key
Return or Enter
Change a toggle value (Yes/No, On/Off) Tab
Restore an entry or toggle value to its previous value Esc
Move one item up Up arrow or Control + K
Move one item down Down arrow or Control + O
Display a dump of the device event log Control + E
Display a dump of the WAN event log Control + F
Refresh the screen Control + L