
Cutterhead for energy crops
Even the shortest chop length
requirements of the energy crop business
can be achieved using an FR9000
equipped with 2x16 knives, this setup
is ideal to chop maize for bio gas.
The right proportion of different particle sizes
The sound eating behaviour of animals relies on a consistent
mix of short, medium and large particles. For maximum
chopping precision, the largest cutterhead in the world has
a chevron configuration. Its large width results in a thinner
crop layer and a cleaner cut across the full section.
Optimising the cutting precision eliminates maize stalks and long leaves
For high quality fodder, clean and precise cutting is essential. Knives are easily
kept sharp with the standard knife sharpening device and the shearbar is correctly
adjusted with proven Adjust-O-Maticâ„¢ system. Both operations are done from the
cab, so that the knives are sharpened and the shearbar is adjusted more frequently.
In dry maize, a clean chop between shearbar and knives is further improved by
optimizing the knife profile. This is achieved by adding the facility for knife
sharpening and shearbar adjustment with the cutterhead running in reverse.
Maximum precision
For a uniform kernel cracking, the processing rolls on FR9000 models have a full
750mm width. In line with the wide cutterhead the crop is spread over a wide
passage thus reducing the layer thickness and allowing a more precise processing.
Depending on the kernel characteristics and the processing requirements different
roll serrations are available and there is a choice of speed differential configurations.
Aggressive kernel processing is possible thanks to its robust, over-sized driveline.