Automated features are only of use when the operator feels comfortable setting
them up and using them. New Holland Headland Turn Sequencing has been refined
and developed over several years to match ease of operation with in-field efficiency.
The system allows the operator to record and store the sequence of operations at
the headland. These are then ‘played back’ automatically when HTS is activated.
Simple and a great way to reduce fatigue over extended working periods.
For operators who spend extended
hours in the tractor, the enhanced
comfort provided by the heated
Auto Comfort™ seat is worth
considering. Fitted with a large air
reservoir to further reduce whole
body vibration, the Auto Comfort
seat delivers an even smoother ride.
Manufactured from a single piece
of glass, the one-piece doors on
New Holland T7 tractors open
wide to provide easy cab access.
The doors are easy to open from
inside the cab and, equally
important, can be closed from the
operator’s seat. Small details that
make a big difference.
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