PREHEATING: The grill lidshould be in a closed position during the preheat time period. It is
necessary to preheat the grill before cooking certain foods, depending on the type of food and the
cooking temperature. Food that requires a high cooking temperature needs a pre-heat
period of five minutes; food that requires a lower cooking temperature needs only a period of two to
three minutes.
High setting-Use this setting for fast warm-up, for searing steaks and chops, and grilling.
Low setting-Use this setting for all roasting, baking, and when cooking verylean cuts such as fish.
These temperatures vary with the outside temperature and the amount of wind.
Cooking with in-direct Heat: You can cook poultry and large cuts of meat slowly to perfection on one side of the grill
by indirect heat from the burneron the other side. Heat from the lighted burner circulates gently throughout the grill,
cooking the meat or poultry without any direct flame touching it. This method greatly reduces flare-ups when cooking
extra fatty cuts, because there is no direct flame to light the fats and juices that drip down during cooking.
CAUTION: If burners go out during operation, close gas supply atsource, and turn all gas valves off. Open lid and
wait five minutes before attempting to re-light (this allows accumulated gas fumes to clear).
CAUTION: Should a grease fire occur, close gas supply at source,turn off all burners and leave lid closed until fire is
CAUTION: DO NOT attempt to disconnect any gas fitting while your grill is in operation. As with all appliances,
proper care and maintenance will keep them in top operating condition and prolong their life. Your gas gill is no
Trouble Shooting continued