
DDR3THIN-MN-XXX 10 Doc. Rev. 1.11
NEX-DDR3INTR-THIN Interposer products. This support can be used with Single
Rank and Dual Rank DIMMs.
Note that this manual uses some terms generically. For instance, references to the TLA700/7000
apply to all suitable TLA700/7000 Logic Analyzers, or PCs being used to control the TLA.
NEX-DDR3INTR-THIN refers to the B_DDR3D_2D/2G/3A software support packages.
Appendix G has a silk-screened print of the NEX-DDR3INTR-THIN Logic Analyzer Interposer
board. Referring to this drawing while reading the manual is suggested.
This manual assumes that the user is familiar with the DDR3 SDRAM Specification and the
Tektronix TLA Logic Analyzers. It is also expected that the user is familiar with the Windows
environment used with the TLA.