
Navtex NX2600
Appendix 2. NAVTEX stations
in areas I, II & III:
Areas I & II:
A Corsen (Ushant). O Portpatrick (Northwest UK).
D Grimton (Sweden). P Imuiden (Holland)
D Coruna (NW Spain). Q Malin Head (N Ireland).
G Cullercoats (Northeast UK). R Monsanto (Portugal).
K Niton (French coast messages). S Niton (South UK).
L Orlandet (Norway) T Oostend (Belgium).
M Oostend (English coast msgs). W Valentia (S Ireland).
A Niton (French coast messages) C Portpatrick (Northwest UK).
E Corsen (Ushant, France). I Niton (South UK).
U Cullercoats (Northeast UK).
Area III:
G Tarifa (South Spain). K Kerkyra (Greece)
X Valencia (Southeast Spain). H Iraklion (Crete)
W La Garde (Toulon, France). L Limnos (Greece)
T Cagliari (Sardinia). I Izmir (Turkey)
R Roma (West Italy). F Antalya (Turkey)
V Augusta (Scicily). M Cyprus
O Malta P Haifa (Israel)
U Trieste (NorthEast Italy). N Alexandria (Egypt)
Q Split (Croatia).
Appendix 3. Categories of messages.
A Navigational Warnings H Loran C information
B Gale Warnings I Omega information
C Ice Reports J Satnav information
D Search and rescue information L Rig lists, Submarine &
E Weather Forecasts gunnery information.
F Pilot messages V Rig Movements.
G Decca information Z No messages on hand.