Nikon Capture 4 Editor
Nikon Capture 4 Editor
14 /15
Image Adjustments section
Auto Brightness: Select Always to apply auto brightness and contrast, or Only when related settings are neutral to adjust
contrast and brightness only if they have not already been adjusted manually using Photo Effects, Tone Curves, or Color Bal-
Auto Color Boost: Select For People - Always or For Nature - Always to apply the effects of the Auto button in the Color
Booster palette, or For people - only when related settings are neutral or For nature - only when related settings are
neutral to apply this effect only if Color Booster settings have not already been adjusted manually.
Destination section
Embed ICC Profi le: Select this option to embed an ICC profi le in each image.
Save Progress section
Save Progress: Choose a name for the batch process displayed in the Save Progress window.
The following options have been added to the “Batch” dialog:
Maintain zoom when scale changes: Select this option to keep the same zoom ratio when changing output size in the Size/
Resolution palette. The window is resized to display the image at the new output size.
…zoom increases to 33% to
fi t image to window.
“Maintain zoom when scale
changes” off
300-ppi image displayed at
16% zoom. If resolution is
reduced to 150 ppi…
Original image
…zoom remains 16%; win-
dow is resized to fi t image.
“Maintain zoom when scale
changes” on
The Preferences (“Options”) Dialog
The following option has been added to the Preferences (“Options”) dialog: