Adjusting output
compensation – wireless
When using the Speedlight as a wireless
remote, adjusting the output varies depend-
ing on what you’re using as a commander
unit. The D70/D70s and D200 built-in
Speedlights can be used as commanders,
while the D2 series require an SU-800 or
SB-800. The D50 built-in flash doesn’t sup-
port wireless flash, so it also needs an SB-
800. For that reason, I only discuss the
D70/D70s and D200 cameras, as the others
are covered by the SB-800.
The SB-600 cannot be used as
a commander unit.
When using the D70/D70s built-in flash as a
commander unit, to adjust the exposure
compensation you have two choices: you
can set the built-in flash to commander
Manual and adjust the output from the
camera flash menu, or you can set the built-
in flash to commander TTL and adjust the
output by pressing the Flash button and
using the front Command dial to add or
reduce exposure. The Flash button is
located on the left side of the camera (with
the lens facing away from you) just below
the built-in flash and if front of the Exposure
Mode dial.
The D70/D70s built-in flash
doesn’t allow more than one
group to be used, so when
using multiple Speedlights in
wireless mode using the
D70/D70s as a commander, the
exposure adjustments affect all
Speedlights. The only way to
adjust the Speedlights individu-
ally is to move the flash closer
for more exposure or further
away for less exposure.