
More About Playback
Using the Multi Selector
The multi selector can be used at any time when the monitor is on. The focus selector
lock switch only takes effect when the monitor is off.
Image Review ( 159)
When On is se lect ed for Im age re view in the playback menu, pho to graphs are au to -
mat i cal ly dis played in the mon i tor as they are being recorded to the memory card. In
single-frame, self-timer, and mirror-up modes, photographs are displayed one at a time
as they are taken. In con tin u ous shooting mode, display begins when shooting ends,
with the fi rst photograph in the current series displayed. Play back will be in ter rupt ed
when the shut ter-re lease but ton is pressed, and re sume when the but ton is released
after shoot ing.
c5—Monitor Off ( 187)
The monitor will turn off automatically to save pow er if no operations are performed
for the time spec i fi ed in Cus tom Set ting c5 (Monitor off). Press the button again
to return to playback mode.