
Taking Photographs—Focus
Predictive Focus Tracking
If the camera autofocus system detects that the subject is moving when the shutter-
release button is pressed halfway, it will au to mat i cal ly ini tiate pre dic tive focus track ing.
If the sub ject is mov ing toward or away from the cam era, the camera will track focus
while at tempt ing to predict where the subject will be when the shutter is re leased. In
single-servo autofocus, the camera will initiate pre dic tive focus tracking if the sub ject
was moving when the shut ter-release button was pressed halfway. Fo cus will lock
when the subject stops moving. In con tin u ous-servo AF, the camera will also initiate
predictive focus tracking if the subject starts mov ing after the shutter-re lease button is
pressed halfway. Focus will not lock when the sub ject stops moving.
Predictive focus tracking is not available in manual focus mode.