mediately after finishing the work, clean off the remaining oil from the lens
using a soft cotton cloth wetted with xylor. Never use alcohol or immerse
the top of the objective in xylor.
Be careful not to use immersion oil that has been thickened by age.
The refractive index of the immersion oil should be
7. Long Working Range of the Stage
The microscope L-Ke is
designed to permit large-
range lowering of its stage
(71mm) for convenience
in observing a thick speci-
men such as for metallurgy
or culture. Unlock the lock
screw beneath the stage
17), and the stage
can be lowered 33mm ^^^^^^^
and by manipulation of
the coarse focusing knob
farther 38mm.
The stage lowered to such a great extent may be useful in macrophoto-
graphy or when a special stage is used.
8. Exchanging the Stage
Lower the stage by means of the coarse focusing knob and then unlock
the stage lock screw. The stage, then, can be removed.
Rectangular Mechanical Stage '*R"
This stage enables fine crosswise travelling of the slide in the range
of 50 X 75mm, allowing reading
of the movement down to 0.1
mm by the use of the vernier
For securing the slide on the
stage in position, open the
Each travelling is performed
by rotation of two coaxial knobs
one above the other on
the vertical rod protruded
below on the left side from
the front, the upper knob being
--19 —
for longitudinal and the lower
one for lateral travel of the
slide on the stage.
In fluorescence microscopy
or in using oil immersion ob-
jectives, where the clearance
between the condenser and
the slide also should be oil-
stiffened oil may
cause unsmooth travel of the
In this case, removing
19 of the circular opening plate
at the center of the stage or
fastening of the clamp screw
will be helpful to a positive
travel of the slide (Fig. 18).
By unlocking the lock knob on
the edge of the stage the stage
can be rotated horizontally for
convenience in the observation
from the opposite side of the
microscope (Fig. 19), where the
eyepiece tube is to be rotated
This rotation of the stage
may often be of use in photo-
micrography, when the picture
format is changed from
cal to horizontal or vice versa.
It is recommended to use the
slide adapter on the stage
20) for a sufficient longi-
tudinal travel of the slide in
such reversed position.
Circular Floating Stage
The circular floating stage
21) glides and rotates
smoothly and precisely in any
desired direction simply by
pushing the rim of the stage
by the fingers, wichin a circle
of 18mm in diameter.
To fasten the floating stage
in position, pressing the stage