Each Pokémon’s
Pokémon displayed
in bright colors
can play.
Play again
with the same
Return to picking
the Pokémon to play
that Attraction.
Quit playing this
The Record
needed for this
Pokémon to get
a Bonus.
Note: If the Pokémon
has already received
the Bonus, you’ll see
You can’t select
Pokémon to
play Attractions
unless they’re
your friends.
Return to
the previous
Start again from
the beginning.
Return to the
screen for picking
You must clear each Zone’s Attractions
to make progress in your adventure. Talk
to the Attraction Chief standing next to
the Signboard, and give that Pokémon the
number of Berries necessary to play the
Attraction. Depending on the Attraction,
you may need to meet other conditions in
order to play.
Before beginning each Attraction, you’ll
have a chance to read about how to play it.
to read the next page, or press to
return to the previous page. Press
to skip
the explanation. When the Attraction hasn’t
been cleared yet, the Goal is displayed.
Next, you’ll read how to use the Wii Remote.
to continue reading, or press to
return to the previous section. Press
skip the explanation. Sometimes you’ll see
extra information that might help you, such
as suggestions about Skillful Pokémon who
are good at that Attraction.
Choose the Pokémon to play the Attraction. Pikachu and friends are displayed,
so use left or right on
to choose a Pokémon, then press to confirm.
To play an Attraction, first select a Pokémon.
You’ll have to perform specific actions
depending on the Attraction. For example,
in Bulbasaur’s Daring Dash, you shake the
Wii Remote up and down to Dash.
Note: Do not shake the Wii Remote too hard.
Note: Please read the Wii Operations Manual or the Wii Remote Jacket Operations
Manual to learn how to attach the jacket and wrist strap to the Wii Remote.
Pressing during the Attraction pauses the action and brings
up the following screen.
If you achieve the Goal after playing the
Attraction, the Attraction is cleared, and
the Attraction Chief will give you a Sky
Prism Piece.
If you break the Bonus record, you’ll
receive Berries—but only one time for
each Pokémon.
When the game is complete, you’ll see the following screen. You can play as
many times as you like without paying more Berries, until you choose Quit.
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