Acquisition Rates
Each spell that can be learned from a piece of magicite has an acquisition rate. For example, Kirin
teaches Cure at a rate of x5. This means that a character's progress toward learning Cure will advance
by 5% for each magic acquisition point earned while equipping this magicite.
Acquisition rates for the same spell vary between magicite.
Magic Acquisition Points
If your characters have magicite equipped, they will earn magic
acquisition points (AP) at the end of every battle. These points are
multiplied by a spell's acquisition rate and added to the character's
progress toward learning that spell.
Learning Magic
Characters can learn magic spells from the magicite they equip.
Equipping certain armor or relics allows characters to learn spells in the
same way as magicite. The spell acquisition rates can be found by viewing
the item details (see p. 23).
Other Ways to Learn Magic
Mastering Spells
Once a character's progress in
learning a spell reaches 100%,
the character masters the spell
and gains the ability to use it
in battle or through the main
Unequipping magicite does not cause characters to lose progress toward learning spells.
Kirin teaches Cure at a rate of x5.
Shiva teaches Cure at a rate of x3.