Available items:
● Getting Started
Describes the basics of how to operate the
Voice Recognition system.
● Let’s Practice
Initiates a practice session that demon-
strates how to improve voice recognition by
the system.
● Using the Address Book
Tutorial for using the Address Book
● Finding a Street Address
Tutorial for entering a destination by street
● Placing Calls
Tutorial for making a phone call by voice
command operation.
● Help on Speaking
Displays useful tips of speaking for correct
command recognition by the system.
Getting started
Before using the Voice Recognition system for
the first time, you can confirm how to use com-
mands by viewing the Getting Started section of
the User Guide.
1. Select the “Getting Started” key.
2. You can confirm the page by scrolling the
Tutorialson the operation of theVoice Rec-
ognition system
If you choose “Finding a Street Address”, “Using
the Address Book” or “Placing Calls”, you can
view tutorialson howto perform theseoperations
using Voice Recognition.
4-118 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems