For a 10-digit number, saying the phone number in groups of 3, 3 and 4 digits may improve
recognition for some speakers. To use this group dialing method, say only the first 3 digits
of the phone number. After the system recognizes the number, it will request the next 3
digits and finally the last 4 digits.
If a phone number is incorrectly recognized, you can try entering the phone number again
using the 3–3–4 group dialing procedure by saying “Correction.”
When you have finished speaking the phone number wait for the system to repeat it back
to you, then say “Dial.”
When you receive a phone call, a ring tone sounds through the audio system.
To accept the call, press the button. To reject the call, press the button.
To hang up the phone at the end of a call or to disconnect during call placement, press
the button.
NISSAN voice recognition permits numbers to be spoken in a variety of ways.
Say “Zero” or “Oh” for “0.” Example: 1-800-662-6200 – Say “one eight zero zero six six two
six two oh oh.”
Say “pound” for “#.” Say “star” for “*”(available when using the “Call Phone Number” then
“Special Number” command and the “Send” command during a call).
Say “plus” for “+” (available only when using the “Call Phone Number” then “Special
Number” command).
Say “pause” for a 2-second pause.
When a compatible phone is connected to the system, the phonebook is automatically downloaded.
This allows you to access your phonebook from the Bluetooth
system to call contacts by name.
Up to 1,000 phone numbers will be transferred. To access your phonebook:
1. Press the button and wait for the tone.
2. Say “Phonebook.”
3. Wait for the tone, then say [a name] or say “List names.” The name must be said exactly as it
is entered in your phonebook for the system to recognize it. For example, say “Phonebook”
then after the system responds, say “Michelle.”
The phonebook can transfer multiple numbers for each entry. If you select a name with multiple
numbers, the system will ask you which number you want to dial.
The system allows for up to 40 voice tags to be recorded. You can record a voice tag for phone-
book entries that the system has difficulty recognizing or to directly dial an entry with multiple
numbers. To record a voice tag:
1. Press the button and wait for the tone.
2. Say “Phonebook.”
3. Wait for the tone, then say [a name] or say “List names.” Select the name for which you want
to record a voice tag.
4. Say “Record Name.”