Black plate (390,1)
Model "Z51-D" EDITED: 2009/ 8/ 3
The following are approximate capacities. The actu al refill capacities may be a little different. When refilling, follow the procedure
instructed in the “8. Maintenance and do-it-yourself” section to determine the proper refill capacity.
Capacity (Approximate) Recommended specifications
US measure Imp measure Liter
Fuel 21-5/8 gal 18 gal 82 Unleaded gasoline with an octane rating of at least 87 AKI (RON91)*1
Engine oil*2
Drain and refill
With oil filter change 4-7/8 qt 4 qt 4.6
. Engine oil with API Certification Mark*3
. Viscosity SAE 5W-30
Without oil filter change 4-1/2 qt 3-3/4 qt 4.3
Cooling system
With reservoir 10 qt 8-1/4 qt 9.4
50% Genuine NISSAN Long Life Antifreeze/Coolant or equivalent
50% Demineralized or distilled water
Reservoir 7/8 qt 3/4 qt 0.8
Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) fluid — — — Genuine NISSAN CVT Fluid NS-2*4
Differential gear oil — — —
Genuine NISSAN Differential Oil Hypoid Super GL-5 80W-90 or API GL-5 Viscosity SAE
Transfer oil — — —
Genuine NISSAN Differential Oil Hypoid Super GL-5 80W-90 or API GL-5 Viscosity SAE
Power steering fluid (PSF)
Refill to the proper oillevel according to the instructions inthe “8.
Maintenance and do-it-yourself” section.
Genuine NISSAN PSF or equivalent*8
Brake fluid Genuine NISSAN Super Heavy Duty Brake Fluid*6 or equivalent DOT 3
Multi-purpose grease — — — NLGI No. 2 (Lithium soap base)
Air conditioning system refrigerant — — — HFC-134a (R-134a)*7
Air conditioning system lubricants — — — NISSAN A/C System Oil Type R or exact equivalent
Window washer fluid — — —
Genuine NISSAN Windshield Washer Concentrate Cleaner & Antifreeze or equivalent
*1: For additional information, see “FUEL RECOMMENDATION” later in this section.
*2: For additional information, see “ENGINE OIL” in the “8. Maintenance and do-it-yourself” section for changing engine oil.
*3: For additional information, see “ENGINE OIL AND OIL FILTER RECOMMENDATION” later in this section.
*4: UseonlyGenuine NISSANCVTFluidNS-2. Usingtransmissionfluidother thanGenuineNISSAN CVTFluid NS-2willdamage theCVT,which isnotcoveredby theNISSAN newvehiclelimited
*5: For hot climates, viscosity SAE 90 is suitable for ambient temperatures above 328F(08C).
*6: Available in mainland U.S.A. through a NISSAN dealer.
*7: For additional information, see “VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION” later in this section for air conditioner specification label.
VI type ATF may also be used.
9-2 Technical and consumer information