2011 NISSAN Towing Guide
All illustrations, and specifications in this document are based on the latest
product information available at the time of publication. Some vehicles are shown
with optional equipment. See the actual vehicle for complete accuracy. Availability
and delivery time for particular models and equipment may vary. NISSAN North
America, Inc. reserves the right to make changes at any time, without prior notice,
in prices, colors, materials, equipment, specifications, and models, and to
discontinue models or equipment. Specifications, options, and accessories may
differ in Hawaii, U.S. territories, and other countries. For information on availability,
options or accessories, contact your NISSAN dealer.
NISSAN, the NISSAN Brand Symbol, “SHIFT_” and NISSAN Model Name(s) are
NISSAN trademarks.
Printing: February 2010
2010 NISSAN North America, Inc.