“Phone book”
Phone book commands are not available
when the vehicle is moving.
Main Menu
“Phone Book”
“New Entry”
ЉList Names”
The Phone Book stores up to 40 names for each
phone paired with the system. Each name can
have up to 4 locations/phone numbers associ-
ated with it.
Each phone has its own separate phone
book. You cannot access Phone A’s phone
book if you are currently connected with
Phone B.
“New entry”
Use the New Entry command to store a new
name in the system.
When prompted by the system, say the name you
would like to give the new entry.
For example, say: “Mary.”
If the name is too long or too short, the system
tells you, then prompts you for a name again.
Also, if the name sounds too much like a name
already stored, the systemtells you, then prompts
you for a name again.
Once the system accepts the name and you
confirm it iscorrect, the system asks fora location
(Home, Office, Mobile or Other).
For example, say: “Home.”
The system acknowledges the location and asks
for a number.
For example, say: “five five five one two
one two.” See “How to say numbers”
earlier in this section for more
The system repeats the number and prompts you
for the next command. When you have finished
entering numbers, choose “Store.”
The system confirms the name, location and
number. The system then asks if you would like to
store another location for the same name. If you
do not wish to store another location, the system
ends the VR session.
Use the Edit command to alter an existing phone
book entry or to add a 2nd, 3rd or 4th phone
number to an existing entry.
When prompted by the system, say the name of
the entry you wish to edit.
The system acknowledges the name and asks
you for the location you would like to edit.
Say the name of the location. The system ac-
knowledges and asks you for the phone number
you would like to store with this location.
See “How to say numbers” earlier in this section
for more information.
The system repeats the number and prompts you
for the next command. When you have finished
entering numbers, choose “Store.”
The system confirms the name, location and
number, then announces that the entry has been
stored. The system then ends the VR session.
Use the Delete command to erase one entry from
the phone book, all entries from the phone book,
the current redial number or the current call back
4-80 Display screen, heater, air conditioner, audio and phone systems
2007 Quest (van)
Owners Manual—USA_English (nna)