Nokia 730C
Nokia is a registered trademark of Nokia Corporation.
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OnView, ViewMatch, and ViewMeter are registered trademarks of ViewSonic Corporation.
NERGY STAR is a registered trademark of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
VESA is a registered trademark of the Video Electronics Standards Association. DPMS and DDC
are trademarks of VESA.
For Your Records
The serial number of this product is on the back of the monitor. Write the serial
number of this unit in the space below and keep this booklet as a permanent
record of your purchase to aid in identification in the event of theft or loss.
Product Name: Nokia 730C
Model Number: VCDTS21511-2
Document Number: 730C_UG_80
Serial Number: __________________
Purchase Date: ___________________
Product Disposal at end of Product Life
Please help preserve our environment. Please dispose of this product properly at the end of its
useful life. Your local waste disposal company may provide information about proper disposal.