Managing M1112
E Copyright Nokia Networks Oy
Before using your web browser for configuration, you must know the
IP address or the name assigned to your M1112.
There are three ways to find out whether to use a name or an IP
D Your service provider has given you an IP address for M1112.
D Your M1112 uses Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
and Domain Name Server. In this case the name is M1112.
D Your M1112 uses DHCP. In this case run winipcfg.exe (Windows
95) or ipconfig.exe (Windows NT). The IP address of M1112 is the
Default Gateway address shown by the ipconfig program.
5.3.1 Opening a connection
To open a connection to the Nokia M1112:
1. Start your web browser.
2. Enter the name (’M1112’) or IP address of your Nokia M1112 in
the browser’s Open Location field and press Enter. If you use the
IP address, it has to be assigned to a local port or gateway interface
3. Type in the username/password as requested. If no
username/password is required, just click OK to proceed. The
Nokia M1112 Main Page appears.