
Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.
General information
General information
E-mail function to receive, read and send e-mails. See E-mail messages on page 65.
Presence-enhanced contacts that enables you to conveniently share your availability information
with your colleagues, family and friends. See My presence on page 87.
Instant messages, which is a way of sending short text messages that are delivered immediately to
online users. See Instant messages (IM) on page 71.
Polyphonic sound (MIDI) that consists of several sound components played at the same time. The
phone has sound components from over 128 instruments, but it can play up to 24 instruments at
the same time. Polyphonic sounds are used in ringing tones and message alert tones. The phone
supports Scalable Polyphonic MIDI (SP-MIDI) format.
Java 2 Micro Edition, J2ME
, and includes some Java applications and games that have been
specially designed for mobile phones. You can download new applications and games to your
phone, see Applications on page 137.
Bluetooth technology, that enables wireless connections between electronic devices at a range of
maximum 10 metres. There is no charge to connect devices via Bluetooth technology. A Bluetooth
connection can be used to send business cards, calendar notes, graphics, pictures, video clips or
tones. Use the phone as modem for data dialup connections or to connect wireless to Bluetooth
In some countries, there may be restrictions on using Bluetooth devices. Check with your dealer and
the local authorities.
See also Bluetooth wireless technology on page 101.
Multimedia card to extent the memory capacity of your phone to store pictures, video clips, for