1. Remove the refrigerator from its enclosure. Follow "Refrigerator Removal and Replacement"
procedure beginning on page 11.
2. Remove the heat deflector cap from the flue.
3. Remove the spiral flue baffle from the flue tube.
4. Using a stiff brush or fine emery cloth, clean the spiral flue baffle of debris.
5. Clean the inside of the flue tube with a flue brush. Inspect burner after cleaning.
6. Re-install the spiral flue baffle. Insure the spiral flue baffle is securely in place. The spiral flue
baffle is required for efficient cooling while operating in the gas mode.
Burner Orifice Removal and Cleaning
1. Turn off the gas at the main tank.
2. Turn the refrigerator off.
3. Remove the screws securing the burner
cover and burner box to the refrigerator.
4. Loosen the flare nut and remove the burner
tube from the orifice.
To prevent damage
to the gas line, use two wrenches when
loosening the flare nut.
5. Carefully remove the gas tube from the
6. Remove the orifice and clean with alcohol and
air pressure.
7. Remove the screw securing the burner to the
burner bracket. Remove the burner.
8. Use air pressure to remove dust, spider webs, etc., from inside the burner. Clean the ports of the burner
with a brush.
9. Clean and inspect the ignition/sense electrode. Replace if corroded, cracked, or broken.
10. Using air pressure, clean any debris from burner bracket of cooling system.
11.Thread orifice into the burner until finger tight. Tighten 1/4 turn with wrench. Thread flare nut to orifice. Do
not cross-thread connections. To prevent damage, use two wrenches when tightening.
12. Leak test all fittings using a soapy water solution.
Do not use a solution which contains ammonia.
will attack brass fittings of the burner and gas valve assemblies. Do not leak test fittings with an
open flame
Burner Box
Figure 12
Heat Deflector Cap
Flue Tube
Spiral Flue Baffle
Suspension Wire
Spiral Flue Baffle
Burner Assembly
Figure 13
Flare Nut
(On Gas Tube)
Caution: Do not clean the orifice with a pin, drill
or similar object.