Using the Unit for Ice Fishing
1. Clear away snow to expose the ice surface, making sure the surface is smooth
and free from excessive air (the ice should be black in color).
2. Place a small amount of liquid water on the ice and set the transducer side of
the unit on the water.
3. If there are any air pockets between the unit and ice, or the water below the ice,
the unit will not work properly and will require you to try another spot, or cut a
hole in the ice to use.
To Remove From the Frozen Ice:
1. Gently tap the unit at the base with your hand.
2. If it will not come loose, spray a small amount of water on the ice surface
around the base and repeat steps (1) and (2) until the transducer is easily
- 4 -
Never use a blunt object to strike
the unit as this may cause damage
to the sensitive internal electronics.
The ice MUST be
relatively free from
bubbles, cracks,
voids, etc (generally
referred to as “Black”
Ice). If you cannot
obtain readings
through the ice, the
unit must be placed
directly in the water.
“Black Ice”
Cracks, Bubbles,
Voids, Etc
Ice Surface