• ToensurethatyourKEGORATOR™workstothemaximumefciencyitwasdesigned
for, keep it in a location where there is proper air circulation and electrical outlets.
• ChoosealocationwheretheKEGORATOR™ will be away from heat and will not be
exposed to direct sunlight.
• ThisKEGORATOR™ is designed for indoor use only -- it should not be used
• ThisKEGORATOR™ is a freestanding design and should not be placed in a built-in or
recessed area.
• YourKEGORATOR™comeswitha2.5lb.CO
bottle, which should be able to
dispense four 15 gallon kegs of beer.
• KEGORATOR™ capacity:
4.6 cu. ft.
• KEGORATOR™ unit dimensions:
20.3” W x 32.10” H x 26.20” D
• Thefollowingdimensionsarerecommendedforclearancesaroundthe
Sides …………………… ¾” (19 mm)
Back ……………………. 1” (25 mm)
• KEGORATOR™ unit weight:
77.6 lbs
115V 50Hz 1.5A (max amps = 6A)
Use of Extension Cords
• Avoidusinganextensioncordbecauseofpotentialsafetyhazardsincertain
conditions. If it is necessary to use an extension cord, use only a 3-wire extension
cord that has a 3-blade grounding plug. The cord must be equal to or greater than the
electrical rating of the appliance.
Compatible Keg Types
The KEGORATOR™ can hold one Full Size Keg, or one Pony Keg, or Two 5 Gallon Kegs.
15.5” 8.5” 9” 15.5”
24.75” 23” 23”
1/4 Barrel Pony Size 5 Gallon Cornelius Keg 5 Gallon D System 1/2 Barrel Full Size