Appendix E – DL Commands
DL™ User Manual Rev 3 49
This command either displays a list of stored files on the PC Card, or the file header information for the specified log file.
It also displays additional group information when it has been supplied as part of a group definition.
Command Option Description
DIR - Command
option (none) If no filename is specified, this command displays a list of stored files
using the DIRA log. The final entry returned by this command displays
the logging memory available as the size of a file named ‘FREEMEM’.
filename When invoked with a filename argument, this command displays the
file header information for the specified log file using a HDRA log
followed by a GRPA log or a GROUPA log if the group contains
information which cannot be displayed with the GRPA log. Finally a
PROJECTA log is displayed if project information has been given using
the PROJECT command. An error message is displayed if the file
does not exist.
dir 31240201.pdc
This command displays the contents of the named file. Header information precedes the actual logged data.
DUMP filename
dump 31240201.pdc