Once the base and rover are set up, configure them for RTCA, RTCM, RTCMV3, CMR+ or CMR
corrections. Below is an RTCA example (replace the latitude, longitude and height coordinates shown with
those of the base):
serialconfig com2 115200 n 8 1 n on
interfacemode com2 none rtca off
fix position latitude longitude height (
enter your own lat, long and hgt values)
log com2 rtcaobs2 ontime 1
log com2 rtcaref ontime 10
log com2 rtca1 ontime 5 (DGPS)
interfacemode com2 rtca none off
is NovAtel’s proprietary Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) solution. Optimal RTK performance is achieved
when both the base and rovers are NovAtel products, however, RT-2 will operate with equipment from
other manufacturers when using RTCM and CMR messaging.
RT-2 is supported by GPS only and GPS+GLONASS OEM6 based models.
Refer to OEM6 Family Installation and Operation User Manual
(OM-20000128) for additional information.
For more base/rover configurations, search the key words “rover base” at