The OEMV Family Quick Reference Guide, available on the CD
or on our Web site, provides comprehensive information about
available commands. The SMART-MR10/15 User Manual
provides information on a subset of these commands; in
particular, the ones commonly used by the SMART-MR15.
If you change the configuration of a function and want to save
the new settings for your next session, use the SAVECONFIG
Follow the procedure outlined in the cellular activation guide
included with your SMART-MR15. To check cellular modem
status information, enter log cellstatus.
Obtain the following information from your NTRIP caster:
• IP address or domain name of caster
(www.igs-ip.net in the following example)
•IP port (80 in the following example)
• Mount point (mountpoint in the following example)
• User ID and password (user_id and password in the
following example)
• Type of corrections expected from the caster
(rtcmv3 in the following example)
• Data rate for transmitting NMEA position logs (GPGGA)
to caster (10 in the following example)
(optional, see below)
Connect to the caster as shown in the following example:
ntripcaster www.igs-ip.net 80
ntripclient mount mountpoint user_id
password rtcmv3 10
To view NTRIP status and configuration, enter:
log ntripstatus
To configure the receiver output through the command line:
1. Configure the communication port using the COM
command. For example, to set COM port 1 to 9600 bps, no
parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no handshaking, echo off, and
break detection on, enter the following:
com com1 9600 n 8 1 n off on
2. Select and configure the NMEA string that you want to
output through COM port 1. For example, to log gpgga
(position system fix data and undulation) at 2 Hz, enter the
log com1 gpgga ontime 0.5
This positioning mode is enabled using the SBASCONTROL
command, as follows:
sbascontrol enable auto
Once enabled, the Solution type field shown in Connect’s
Position window changes from Single to SBAS, and you may
see SBAS satellites in the Constellation window. SMART-MR15
will track available SBAS satellites, including WAAS, EGNOS
and other SBAS systems.
To enable GL1DE, enter the following commands:
pdpfilter enable
pdpmode relative auto
Bluetooth wireless technology is configured on the
SMART-MR15 COM3 internal port and is enabled by default.
To disable Bluetooth wireless technology:
btcontrol disable
To enable Bluetooth wireless technology:
btcontrol enable
For detailed information about the configuration and enabling of
Bluetooth wireless technology on the SMART-MR15, refer to
Chapter 5 Bluetooth Configuration in the SMART-MR10/15 User
The CAN Bus is a serial bus that provides services for
processes, data and network management. CAN Bus capability
is available through the SMART-MR15 evaluation cable.
The CAN module is activated by entering the command
SETCANNAME 305. If this is followed by entering the
SAVECONFIG command, the CAN module is activated
immediately on all subsequent start-ups. The module supports
NMEA 2000 Parameter Group Message (PGN): PGN 129029
GNSSPositionData, PGN 129025 GNSSPositionRapidUpdate,
and PGN 129026 COGandSOGRapidUpdate.
The SMART-MR15 provides an emulated ground speed RADAR
pulse output. The enclosure outputs ER via the bare wire
labeled ER on both the SMART-MR15 evaluation and
streamlined cables. Refer to Appendix B.5 RADARCFG of the
SMART-MR10/15 User Manual.
ER is enabled by default. To disable ER, use the RADARCFG
command as follows:
radarcfg disable
The following command enables ER, sets frequency step to
36.11 Hz/kph, update rate to 1 Hz and no smoothing:
radarcfg enable 36.11 1 1 2
To enable ER, for example, enter the following command:
radarcfg enable
The ER low and high pulse levels are within 0.5V of the ground
and battery, respectively. Note this is not a logic level output.
The rise and fall time is less than 1 ms. The ER outputs
reference battery GND when the output is logic low. It outputs
logic low until the vehicle speed is greater than 1 km/hr. It
provides an output frequency that represents 36.11 Hz/km/hr
(default value) with an effective range from 1 km/hr to 55 km/hr,
and uses 2D velocity for near-horizontal applications. The
default value can be changed to 26.11 or 28.12 Hz/km/hr using
the RADARCFG command.
When using NovAtel Connect to configure your receiver,
ensure all of the graphical windows are closed before you
issue the SAVECONFIG command.
If connecting to an RTK caster that employs VRS
technology, the data rate for transmitting NMEA positions to
the caster must also be specified. For example, to transmit
position messages to a network RTK caster every 10
seconds, the following commands should be used:
ntripcaster www.igs-ip.net 80
ntripclient mount mountpoint user_id password rtcmv3 10
NTRIP commands are save-configurable. After you save
the settings, the SMART-MR15 automatically connects to
the NTRIP caster after a power cycle. For more information
about configuring NTRIP, refer to application note APN-057
found on our Web site at http://www.novatel.com/support/