SPAN-IGM User Manual Rev 2 27
Chapter 3 SPAN Operation
Before operating your SPAN system, ensure that you have followed the installation and setup instructions
in Chapter 2, SPAN Installation on page 14.
You can use the NovAtel Connect software to configure receiver settings and to monitor data in real-time,
between a rover SPAN system and base station.
SPAN system output is compatible with post-processing software from the NovAtel Waypoint Products
Group. Visit our Web site at www.novatel.com
for details.
3.1 Communicating with the SPAN System
Install the NovAtel Connect Utilities (Connect and Convert4) on the computer you intend to use to
configure and monitor the SPAN system. To access and download the most current version of the
NovAtel Connect Utilities, go to the Support page of the NovAtel web site at www.novatel.com/support/
firmware-software-and-manuals/. (Alternatively, you can use a terminal emulator program such as
HyperTerminal to communicate with the receiver.) Refer to the NovAtel Connect Help file for more details
on NovAtel Connect. The Help file is accessed by choosing Help from the main menu in
NovAtel Connect.
To enable communication from your computer to the SPAN system using NovAtel Connect:
1. Launch NovAtel Connect from the Start menu folder specified during the installation process. The
default location is Start | All Programs | NovAtel Connect | NovAtel Connect.
2. To define a new connection, select New Connection from the Device menu.
The New Connection window appears.
If a connection is already defined for the SPAN system, choose Open Connection and skip to
step 9.
3. Enter a name for the connection in Name box.
4. Select Serial or USB from the Type drop down list.
5. Select the computer port that the SPAN system is connected to from the Port drop down list.
6. If you selected Serial, select 115200 from the Baud Rate drop down list.
Ensure the Control Panel Power Settings on your computer are not set to go into Hibernate
or Standby modes. Data will be lost if one of these modes occurs during a logging session.