NovAtel Firmware and Software Chapter 5
AG-STAR User Manual Rev 2 41
3. Issue the AUTH command, followed by the auth-code and model type (refer to Section 5.2,
Authorization Code on page 35 for details on obtaining any auth-code). The syntax is as follows:
auth <your auth-code here>
where auth is a command that enables model upgrades and auth-code is the upgrade authorization code,
expressed as follows:
1. Each X character is a case-insensitive ASCII character.
2. The MODEL string is a maximum of 15 characters long and represents the model enabled by the auth-
3. The EXPDATE string is the auth-code’s expiry date, in YYMMDD format
auth 7WBMBK,887CB6,K5J3FH,5DF5P2,42PW8G,D1SB0GTT0,121211
When the
AUTH command is executed, the receiver reboots. Issuing the LOG VERSION command
confirms the new upgrade model type and firmware version number.
If communicating using NovAtel Connect, the communication path must be closed and reopened using the
Device menu.