B MiLLennium Technical Specifications
MiLLennium GPSCard and Enclosures Guide to Installation & Operation 41
Table 5 (continued)
Row B Descriptions Pin Row A Descriptions
Mark Input Normally high, active low input pulse
must exceed 55 ns in duration. The
falling edge is the reference. TTL or
contact closure compatible.
24 GND Digital Ground
STATUS High level output indicates 'good solution'
or valid GPS position. Low level output
indicates 'no solution'.
25 GND Digital Ground
* For factory use only 26 GND Digital Ground
* For factory use only 27 GND Digital Ground
\ RESET_IN Reset TTL signal input from external
system; active low.
28 GND Digital Ground
RESET_OUT Reset TTL signal output to external
system; active high; 140 - 280 ms
29 GND Digital Ground
* For factory use only 30 GND Digital Ground
* For factory use only 31 GND Digital Ground
* Kept high; for factory use only 32 GND Digital Ground