5 Firmware Upgrades & Updates
28 MiLLennium GPSCard and Enclosures Guide to Installation & Operation
The MiLLennium stores its program firmware in non-volatile memory, which allows you to perform firmware upgrades
and updates without having to return the MiLLennium to the distributor. New firmware can be transferred to the
MiLLennium through a serial port, and the unit will immediately be ready for operation at a higher level of performance.
The first step in upgrading your receiver is to contact your local NovAtel dealer. Your dealer will assist you in selecting
the best upgrade option that suits your specific GPS needs. If your needs are still unresolved after seeing your dealer then
you can contact NovAtel directly through any of the methods described in the Customer Service section, Page 6,atthe
beginning of this manual.
When you call, be sure to have available your MiLLennium model number, serial number, and program revision level.
This information is printed on the original shipping box as well as on the back side of the MiLLennium itself. You can
also verify the information by issuing the VERSION command at the port prompt.
After establishing which new model/revision level would best suit your needs, and having described the terms and
conditions, you will be issued with an authorization code (auth-code). The auth-code is required to unlock the new
features according to your authorized upgrade/update model type.
There are two procedures to choose from, depending on the type of upgrade/update you require:
1. If you are upgrading to a higher performance model at the same firmware revision level (e.g. upgrading from a
MiLLennium Standard rev. 4.50, to a MiLLennium RT-2 rev. 4.50), you can use the $AUTH special command.
2. If you are updating to a higher firmware revision level of the same model (e.g. updating a MiLLennium Standard
rev. 4.45 to a higher revision level of the same model, such as MiLLennium Standard rev. 4.50), you will need to
transfer new program firmware to the MiLLennium using the Loader utility program. As the Loader and update
programs are generally provided in a compressed file format, you will also be given a file decompression password.
The Loader and update files can be found on NovAtel’s FTP site at http:\\www.novatel.ca, or can be sent to you on
floppy disk or by e-mail.
Your local NovAtel dealer will provide you with all the information that you require to update or upgrade your receiver.
The $AUTH command is a special input command which authorizes the enabling or unlocking of the various model
features. Use this command when upgrading to a higher performance MiLLennium model available within the same
revision level as your current model (e.g., upgrading from a MiLLennium Standard rev. 4.50, to a MiLLennium RT-2
rev. 4.50). This command will only function in conjunction with a valid auth-code assigned by GPS Customer Service.
The upgrade can be performed directly from Loader’s built-in terminal emulator, GPSolution’s Command Line Screen,
or from any other communications program. The procedure is as follows:
1) Power-up the MiLLennium and establish communications over a serial port (see Chapter 4, O, Page 23)
2) Issue the VERSION command to verify the current firmware model number, revision level, and serial number.
3) Issue the $AUTH command, followed by the auth-code and model type. The syntax is as follows:
$auth auth-code