22 SMART ANTENNA User Manual Rev 6
Chapter 3 Operation
The receiver is in Navigation mode whenever sufficient satellite information and measurement data is available
to produce a GPS fix. When the receiver has a valid position, the Nav Mode field in StarView’s LLH Solution,
or XYZ Solution, window shows Nav 2-D, Nav 3-D, Diff. 2-D or Diff. 3-D. If it shows Initialized there is no
valid position yet.
The SMART ANTENNA uses a comprehensive message interface. Input messages can be sent to the receiver
using the Xmit Msg menu in StarView.
The following information is important when selecting commands:
1. You can send a message request using one shot (Normal mode) or continuous (Special mode) by
selecting Xmit Msg | General Message Request in StarView.
2. There is an option in StarView to save all messages transmitted by the receiver into a file. Select
File/Port | Save Data after you have finished selecting messages in Step #2 above.
The SUPERSTAR II Firmware Reference Manual provides the available messages and parameters that the
SMART ANTENNA uses. See also Section B.2, StarView Software Installation starting on Page 45 and refer to
the StarView User Manual for more information on the StarView program.
The receiver’s software resides in read-only memory. As such, the unit “self-boots” when turned on and
undergoes a complete self-test, see Section 3.6.2, Operational States starting on Page 24. If a persistent error
develops, please contact your local NovAtel dealer first. If the problem is still unresolved, please contact
NovAtel directly through any of the methods in the Customer Service section on Page 10.
3.3 Non Volatile Memory
The receiver stores different types of information used to accelerate the TTFF and to configure the I/O in
NVM. See Table 3 below for a partial list of the data stored in NVM.
Table 3: Non-Volatile Memory Data
ALMANAC The most recent almanac
Position in NVM is updated at different rates depending on the
application. The last known position is always kept in battery back-
up SRAM.
DGPS CONFIGURATION Differential GPS configuration
Contains the following configuration information:
1. Mode of operation 4. Time Alignment Mode State
2. Baud Rate: 300 to 19200 5. Mask Angle
3. Default Binary message list 6. Datum