- The Leader in DJ Technology
©1999 Numark Industries - 9 - http://www.numark.com
1. Input fader - Controls individual source levels in the mix
2. Input toggle switch - Selects which source will be live to that channel based on what you have
connected to the rear panel input section
3. Replaceable Crossfader - Achieves clean segues between the two input channels. "Hard left"
selects Channel 1. "Hard right" selects Channel 2. With the crossfader centered, both assigned
channels are live. Use the crossfader for fast and seamless segues from one selected channel to
the other
Note: The crossfader is user replaceable in case of failure. Simply unscrew the two large screws
which hold it in place, lift it out and disconnect it’s cable. Re-attach the new crossfader and screw
the mounting plate back onto the unit - you’re back in business!
4. Fader Start – Activation allows you to start the CD players from you crossfader. Travel from left to
right will start the right CD player and pause the left CD player
5. Mic Input Fader – Adjusts microphone level
6. Mic On/Off Toggle – Activates microphone
7. Master Fader - Controls the overall output level
8. Stereo/Mono toggle - Changes the Master output between Mono and Stereo
9. Stereo EQ – Adjust final master output equalization of treble, middle, and bass
10. LED METER - Indicates the Master output level
11. Channel Cue Selector - Used to route channel audio to your headphones
12. Headphone Level – Adjusts cue volume
13. Headphone Jacks – Used to connect either 1/8” or 1/4” plugs for audio monitoring with