- The Leader in DJ Technology
©2000 Numark Industries - 6 - http://www.numark.com
1. PROGRAM - Depress this button and the unit will
stop and the program indicator will light. Select
each track to be programmed and press the
PROGRAM button between selections. You can
program up to 20 tracks. Press PLAY to start the
program. To exit and erase program hold the
program button down for more than 2 seconds while
the unit is stopped, open the disc tray, or turn off the
2. CONT/SING - Will cause just a single track to play or
all tracks in order by pressing once or twice.
3. LCD DISPLAY - Indicates all the functions, as they
are occurring, with the CD. These functions are
explained in the next section.
4. TIME (Time Button) - The TIME button switches the
time display between elapsed playing time and
remaining time on the track.
5. OPEN/CLOSE (Disc Tray Open/Close) - Press to
load or eject the disc. Each press will open or close
the disc tray on the transport. NOTE: Tray will not
open unless the disc has been paused.
6. TRACK (Track Buttons) - These buttons are used
to select the track to be played.
7. Track 10 Button - This button is for quickly
advancing to higher tracks on a CD.
8. PITCH (Pitch Button) - This button activates the
Pitch Slider (14).
9. PITCH BEND (Pitch Bend Button) - When each of
the two CD players is playing a CD, the pitch bend
function allows the positioning of the bass beats to
be matched after the pitch of each disc is matched.
Either player can “catch up” or “fall back” to match
the other player. The pitch will automatically rise
while the + button is pressed (allowing “catch up”)
and return to the original pitch when the button is
released. The pitch will automatically drop while the
button is pressed (allowing “fall back”) and return to
the original pitch when the button is released. By
changing the pitch of one disc with respect to the other
in this way the beats can be matched.
10. SEARCH – Depress and hold the right button and the
CD will rapidly advance forward through the music.
The longer you hold it the faster it searches. The left
button searches backward through music already
played. When the CD is paused the cue point can be
adjusted by tapping either button.
11. LOOP - Used for repeating sections in the music. This
is not a seamless function.
12. CUE - Pressing the CUE button during play provides a
return to the position at which play was started. If
PAUSE is used before CUE, that will become the cue
point. Alternately pressing the PLAY button and the
CUE button allows the CD to be played from the same
position any number of times. The CUE LED will light
up from the time the CUE button is pressed until the CD
has reset to the position at which play was started.
Steady lighting of this LED indicates the ready
13. START/PAUSE (Play/Pause Button) - Each press of
the Play/Pause Button causes the operation to change
from play to pause or from pause to play.
14. PITCH SLIDER - The pitch can be changed up to +/-
12% by pressing the PITCH button so the PITCH LED
is lit, then moving the sliding fader. The pitch will not be
changed if the PITCH LED is off.
15. RELAY/FADER START – By pressing this button the
player will alternate playing from side to side or can be
activated by a mixer containing the fader start feature.
In continuous mode the relay feature will have the
player complete playing the full CD then switch to the
other side. In single mode the player will alternate after
each track. If fader start cables are attached to a fader
start mixer, then, the actions of the mixer can control to
CD player. Instructions for this should be found in the
mixer manual. Both functions are active simultaneously.