- The Leader in DJ Technology
©1999 Industries - 7 - http://www.numark.com
7. Master Fader – to control the overall output level.
8. Stereo/Mono toggle - adjusts the Master output for
stereo or mono operation.
9. Volume Meter- quickly and accurately tracks dB level
of audio sent to it from the master fader. It's OK to "tap
the red" as long as the red LEDs aren't
lit. Set
the equalizer and master fader to avoid overload and
distortion. Proper attention to the meter results in the
punchiest possible sound without audible distortion.
10. Channel Cue/Send Assign - are used to route PFL
channel audio to the Monitor Section. The channel
faders do not control the Cue send volume. This audio is
also sent to a rear panel output for use with an external
sampler or other source such as booth monitor.
11. Headphone Mix - controls the mix of PFL and PGM
signals to your headphones. When the slider is moved to
the left, all you will hear is the cue source. When the
slider is all the way right, you will hear what is playing
through the master output. By blending, beats can be
matched exactly and segues can be smooth when a song is
12. Headphone Level – to adjust cue volume.
13. Headphone Input – for your 1/4” headphone.
14. Power Button – turns unit off and on.
15. Line Inputs – are unbalanced RCA jacks for
connecting stereo audio from line level sources such as
CD players, HiFi VCRs, cassette and reel-to-reel tape
decks, DAT machines, laser discs, tuners, even
synthesizers or other mixing consoles.
Plug mono audio sources into both Left and
Right inputs using a "Y" cable connector.
16. Phono Inputs – for attaching your turntables. When
these connectors are used, your signal is fed directly to the
high-quality RIAA phono pre-amplifiers.
Use this
position only for turntables
. Line level sources will
overload the sensitive phono pre-amps and will cause
17. Grounding lug - for turntable connection. Always use
this connection when using turntables. (your turntable
cable should have a grounding wire)
18. Line/Phono Input switch - to allow line level
equipment to be plugged into your phono inputs giving
you a total of 8 line input options.
19. Mic Input – for your 1/4” Microphone plug.
20. Record Outputs – are unbalanced RCA jacks used to
send the output of the program to any connected recording
21. Stereo Main Outputs – are unbalanced RCA
connectors controlled by the Master fader.
22. IEC Power Connector – to plug in your power cord.
23. Voltage Selector – to set to your country’s standard.