CONTROLS continued
Tone Arm Parts
7. Counter Weight and Scale Ring
The Counterweight is used to balance the head shell and
cartridge assembly so that the proper amount of stylus
pressure is applied to the record.
8. Anti-Skate Adjustment
This knob is used to compensate for inward tracking forces.
See Tonearm Setup for more details.
9. Tonearm Cue System
This cueing system allows the tone arm to be positioned at
a certain point above the record and slowly engaged. When
the lift lever is in the up position the tone arm should rest
on the armrest. When the lift lever is lowered, the tone arm
is slowly lowered until the stylus is resting on the record.
10. Arm Clip
This specially designed arm clip secures the tone arm while
it is being transported or not in use. The arm clip has been
designed to remain in the up position while unlocked.
11. Tone Arm Lock Nut
This Aluminum nut is used to secure the head shell and
cartridge assembly to the tone arm tube. See Cartridge
Setup for more details.
Bottom Parts
12. Adjustable Rubber Dampening Feet
When all of the feet of the turntable are completely
tightened, the top flat surface of the turntable will be at
85mm. Unscrewing these feet raises the turntable up to
compensate for unleveled surfaces.
13. Carrying Handles
These handles provide a secure grip so that the turntable
may be comfortably transported.
14. RCA Output Jacks
These stereo output jacks allow the turntable to be
connected to a compatible device with a PHONO level input.
15. Ground Screw
This Ground Screw is used to run a ground line between the
turntable and the device it is connected to.
16. Voltage Selector Switch
This two-position switch toggles the internal voltage
transformer between 110V and 240V. The turntable should
be shipped with the proper voltage setting for your region.
Check this switch setting before connecting the IEC power
cord to prevent damage to the turntable.
17. IEC Power Terminal
This IEC Power Terminal can be used with any IEC power
cable, but it is recommended that the supplied IEC power
cable be used.