Speakers Intercoms Chimes Heaters Fresh Air Systems
Trash Compactors Ceiling Fans Medicine Cabinets
Decorative BacksplashesVentilation Fans Central VacuumsRange Hoods
NuTone, 4820 Red Bank Road, Cincinnati, OH 45227 • 888-336-3948
In Canada call 888-882-7626
NuTone… life. style. home.
is America’s leading brand of residential built-in convenience products including door chimes, central vacuum systems,
intercom systems, home theater speakers, medicine cabinets, ironing centers and ventilation fans.
is America’s leading brand of residential ventilation products including range hoods, ventilation fans, heater/fan/light
combination units, Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Fresh Air Systems, built-in heaters, whole-house fans, attic ventilators, paddle fans
and trash compactors.
Broan and NuTone are proud to be ENERGY STAR
©2007 Broan-NuTone, LLC • Printed in USA • 4/07