Setup: The Setup menu is for specific system setup. It
consists of several subset menus. These are defined in the
next section.
Favorites #1-12: Twelve global favorites can be defined for
easy access from within the Main Menu. Any favorites, which
include M3 and iPod play lists, tuner presets and specific
disc selections can be selected in the Favorites setup and
automatically added to the global list. The Grand Concerto
Remote Control has a 12-button numeric keypad that
provides direct access to the 12 assigned favorites. When a
favorite is selected, the zone will automatically go to the
appropriate source and music selection.
Zone Settings: This is the first menu option under Setup, fig.
Balance: This controls the level of audio going to
the left and right speakers. In some cases, when the
listening area is not absolutely centered between
the speakers, it is useful to adjust the center
listening point left or right. This menu option gives
the ability to adjust the sound left or right up to 18
steps in either direction.
Bass: This adjusts the frequency level from 100Hz
and below. The default is flat, and the range is
–18dB to +18dB.
Treble: This adjustment works within the same
parameters as the bass and adjusts the frequency
level from 10kHz and up.
Loudness Compensation: Loudness can be simply
turned on or off by pressing the OK button.
Volume Settings: There are several default settings
available in this menu. Volume Reset is turned on or
off by pressing the OK button and controls whether
the zone turns on at its previous volume level, or to
a preset level, fig. 16. If checked, the volume at
zone on reverts to the level set in the next menu
item, Initial Volume. Choosing to set at the current
listening level, or selecting the default –60 dB
level, controls this level. Maximum Volume is an
overall zone volume limit and is set in the same
manner as Initial Volume. Page Volume controls the
level at which a page is amplified in each zone, and
Party Volume sets the initial volume level when the
party or all-on function is initiated.
Display Settings: The brightness of the Control Pad
display can be controlled in this menu. Brightness
sets the overall level of the display. AutoDim sets
the Control Pad to dim or go completely dark after a
set period of time. The range is 15 seconds to 1
hour. Dim Brightness works with the AutoDim
feature and sets the level of dimness.
Zone Settings
Loudness Comp.
Volume Settings
Display Settings
Fig. 12
Advanced Zone Settings: These are parameters for each zone.
They can be easily established in the Configurator software, or
here at each of the zone Control Pads, fig 13.
Source Lockout: Any source selected in this menu will
be locked from access within that zone.
Exclusive Src. Ctl.: This sets a default that
automatically grabs control of any source chosen
within this zone. Other zones will be able to listen, but
they will have no specific source control.
Group: Source Group is a great NuVo feature for large,
open-floor living spaces. In this menu option, any
zone can be set to share source a group of zones to
prevent the likelihood of having more than one source
playing in the same open space. The advantage to
Source Group is that each zone area maintains
individual on/off and volume capability.
Default DND: This prevents the global functions of all-
on or party and whole-house page from a Control Pad's
specific zone.