3.3 Rename Bank
3.4 Erase Bank
3.2 Add Bank
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3.2 Add Bank: If you want to add a bank of 10 presets, the “Add
Bank “ button will bring up a window that allows you to name
the bank and automatically add it to the T2's presets.
3.3 Rename Bank: This button allows you to give a bank of
presets a customized name.
3.4 Erase Bank: All preset banks, with the exception of the first
bank, can be erased one bank at a time. You cannot erase the
first bank of ten presets.
3.5 XM Presets: Assigning presets for XM is very simple. When
either the T2XF or T2DX products, which contain the XM tuner
modules, are selected in the Config tab, an XM Preset tab is
available. This tab has the same preset selection properties on
the left as the AM/FM preset tab, but on the right, a drop down
menu allows easy access to all the available XM stations.
To assign an XM preset, you highlight the number field on the
left and click on the appropriate XM station from the drop
down menu on the right. That station selection will
automatically populate the highlighted preset field.
3.5 XM Presets