© 2002 Design, 2013 Doc. No. 12-5335-r01 (6/27/13)
The OCi is configured with contacts that will automatically activate Dive Mode when the space between the contacts is bridged
by a conductive material (immersed in water) and it senses a Depth of 5 FT (1.5 M) for 1 second.
The contacts are the metal pins of the PC Interface Data Port and the stems of the buttons.
When Wet Activation is set Off, the OCi will not enter Dive Mode while in Watch Mode unless a dive has already been con-
ducted and it is a repetitive dive.
This is to allow pre dive activities such as swimming and snorkeling which may include depths
deeper than 5 FT (1.5 M) without activating dive mode.
Pressing and releasing the L (Light) button (< 2 sec) will toggle the Backlight On/Off.
• The light will be On for Glo Duration time set (5, 10, 30, or 60 seconds).
• Pressing L for 2 seconds, while the light is On, will reset the timer and keep it On for the full Duration time set.
• When alarms strike, the Backlight will come On.
• The Backlight shuts Off when L is pressed or after the Duration time set.
>> Extensive use of the Backlight reduces Battery life.
>> The Backlight is disabled* upon sensing a Low Battery condition (< 2.75 v), or when the PC Interface cable is connected
to the OCi.
*Exception is when alarms strike and during TECH FREE dives.
AUTO GLO (this applies to TECH FREE Mode only)
When Auto Glo (a TECH FREE mode Set Utilities selection) is set On, Backlight operation on the surface is the same as it normally
would be when controlled by the L button and Duration time set.
Upon start of TECH FREE dives, the Backlight turns On automatically and remain On throughout the full dive until entry into Sur-
face mode at which time the Backlight operation will revert to normal (controlled by the L button and Duration time set).
The OCi features 2 bar graphs, one on each side of the LCD.
The one on the left represents nitrogen loading and the one on the right represents ascent rate.
TLBG (Tissue Loading Bar Graph)
The TLBG represents your relative No Decompression or Decompression status. The 4 lower segments represent No Deco status
(Fig. 63A) and all 5 together indicate a Deco condition (Fig. 63B).
As your Depth and Elapsed Dive Time increase, segments add from bottom to top; and as you ascend segments recede, indicat-
ing that additional no deco time is available.
The OCi monitors 12 different nitrogen compartments simultaneously and the TLBG displays the one that is in control of your dive
at any given time.
VARI (Variable Ascent Rate Indicator)
The VARI provides a visual representation of ascent speed (i.e., an ascent speedometer). The 4 lower segments (Fig. 64A) repre-
sent normal acceptable speeds and all 5 together flashing (Fig. 64B) indicate a rate that is too fast which must be slowed.
The segments represent two sets of speeds which change at a reference depth of 60 FT (18 M). Refer to the chart.
WARNING: At depths greater than 60 FT (18 M), ascent rates should not exceed 60 FPM (18 MPM).
At depths of 60 FT (18 M) and shallower, ascent rates should not exceed 30 FPM (9 MPM).
Fig. 63A - NORM DIVE
(TLBG during No Deco)
Fig. 64B - NORM DIVE
(when ascent is too fast)
Ascent Rate
Segments FPM MPM
0 = 0 - 20 0 - 6
1 = 21 - 30 6.1 - 9
2 = 31 - 40 9.1 - 12
3 = 41 - 50 12.1 - 15
4 = 51 - 60 15.1 - 18
5 = 60 + 18 +
Ascent Rate
Segments FPM MPM
0 = 0 - 10 0 - 3
1 = 11 - 15 3.1 - 4.5
2 = 16 - 20 4.6 - 6
3 = 21 - 25 6.1 - 7.5
4 = 26 - 30 7.6 - 9
5 = 30 + 9 +
Fig. 63B - NORM DIVE
(TLBG when in Deco)
Fig. 64A - GAUG DIVE
(ascent speed is ok)