5.3 Error Codes List
Error Codes List
The following list describes the various error codes and which can appear on the display and the suggested
Data Errors
1.0 Transient error (hardware error, probably static discharge). If error persists, the balance must be
1.1 Balance temperature transducer hardware error.
Tare Errors
2.0 Balance is unable to stabilize within time limit after taring. Environment is too hostile or balance needs
Calibration Errors
3.0 Incorrect or no calibration mass used for calibration. Recalibrate with correct masses.
RS232 Errors
4.4 RS232 buffer is full.
User Errors
7.0 User entry out of bounds.
7.2 Number outside of display capacity.
Over-Under Load Errors
8.0 Hardware error causing an internal weight signal which is too low. Check if pan is off. If not, the balance
must be serviced.
8.1 Hardware error caused by an internal weight signal which is too high. Check load on the pan which may
be excessive. If error persists, the balance must be serviced.
8.2 Power-on load out of specification (LFT only)
8.3 Rated capacity exceeded. Remove excessive weight from pan.
8.4 Underload condition on balance. Check that the proper pan is installed.
8.5 Internal calibration weight internal sensor indicated its weight on the pan.
CheckSum Errors
9.1 Bad factory checksum. If error persists, have the balance serviced.
9.2 Bad factory checksum. If error persists, have the balance serviced.
9.3 Bad factory checksum. If error persists, have the balance serviced.
9.4 Factory internal calibration data failed checksum. This failure will disable access to the InCAL
(if installed).
9.5 Factory calibration data failed checksum.
9.8 User calibration data failed checksum.
9.9 Factory temperature compensation data failed checksum.
5.4 Information Messages
(internal calibration) is installed. Message to recalibrate the balance. The
message will remain until calibrated.
WARM UP The user tried to perform an internal calibration and this message will be flashed in the 14
segment field. The balance requires a 7 minute warmup period. During warmup the user
can not select InCAL
from the menu.
SAVED This message is flashed when an item is changed in the menu and the new value is
written to the EEPROM.
LOCKED This message is flashed when an item can not be changed in the menu because the
menu is locked and the Lock Switch is set locked.
LOW REF The message is flashed in parts counting or percent when the calculated reference weight
is very low.
UNSTBLE This message is flashed when the balance was unable to aquire stable data during internal