
ES 3037/3037e Software Utilities • 503
2. Make any adjustments in the settings.
3. Click OK.
The Open dialog box appears.
4. Make sure Print spool files (*.prn) is selected in the File of
type drop-down list.
5. Under Look in, go to the folder where the files are saved and
double-click the file name.
The file is saved as a bin file. Filter File Created appears.
6. Click OK.
7. Repeat steps 1 through 6 until you have converted all the files
you wish to add to the project.
If you create a black oval in MS Paint and leave all
the color command filters checked, the black oval
will print as a black rectangle when the overlay is
used. To maintain the oval shape, turn off
(deselect) the “Configure Image Data,” “Palette ID,”
and “Palette Control” filters.