Internet Fax 7
87:HEADER PRINT - E-mail header print setting.
OFF: Do not print header
TYPE2: Print all header information
This setting is only valid when the TEXT Print setting is ON.
88:CODING MODE - Coding mode for TIFF file images sent by Internet
Fax. Select from MH/MR/MMR. Please note that other manufacturers'
Internet Fax products often support only MH. This machine supports MR
and MMR modes in addition to MH. The rate of compression is MH
(low); MR (medium); MMR (high).
89:EX.FINE MODE - Scan resolution of EX.FINE mode for Internet Fax:
300 dpi or 600 dpi.
90:IFAX SENDER ID - Whether or not to add the sender ID to images
scanned by Internet Fax. This setting will always apply when using Inter-
net Fax, regardless of the setting for 23:SENDER ID ON/OFF. When
using Internet Fax as a scanner, turn this setting OFF to prevent the sender
ID data from appearing in scanned images.
91:DOMAIN NAME - This setting is required when forwarding e-mail
received by SMTP to PSTN/ISDN. Up to 5 domain names, each up to 64-
characters long, can be entered from which data may be received. When
an SMTP reception request is received, the e-mail is only received if the
sender's domain name matches one of the registered domain names. If
there is no match, the fax machine assumes that the e-mail cannot be
received by Internet Fax and will not start reception. For example, if only
network.com is registered, only e-mail from the domain network.com or
its sub-domain will be received.
Note: Latin letters, numbers and symbols are assigned to one-touch
keys. Also, symbols can be entered using either one-touch key
20 or numeric key 0. The symbols available are ! # & ' ( ) * + ,
- . / : ; = ?
_ % ~ . The "~" (tilde) symbol will appear on
the LCD as "-1". Both upper and lower case letters can be
used. To switch between cases, press one-touch key 31 (CAPS
92:MDN (Message Disposition Notification) - Whether or not to add
MDN to transmissions. MDN is a request for confirmation on whether or
not the message has been read. If the recipient is an Internet Fax or a mail
client that supports MDN, it will return this confirmation. The format of
the notification varies depending on the type of the receiving Internet Fax