70 Microline 420/421 User’s Guide
IBM Proprinter III Commands
IBM Command ASCII Decimal
Double Width On ESC W 1 27 87 49
Double Width Off ESC W 0 27 87 48
Emphasized Printing On ESC E 27 69
Emphasized Printing Off ESC F 27 70
Enhanced Printing On ESC G 27 71
Enhanced Printing Off ESC H 27 72
Form Feed FF 12
Form Length
n inches (n = 1 to 255) ESC C NUL n 27 67 0 n
n lines (n = 1 to 255) ESC C n 27 67 n
Horizontal Tab, Execute HT 9
Italics On ESC % G 27 37 71
Italics Off ESC % H 27 37 72
IBM Command ASCII Decimal
Line Feed, Execute
w/ Carriage Return LF 10
n/144" (n = 1 to 127) ESC % 5 n 27 37 53 n
n/216" (n = 0 to 255) ESC J n 27 74 n
Reverse ESC ] 27 93
Auto Line Feed On ESC 5 1 27 53 49
Auto Line Feed Off ESC 5 0 27 53 48
Line Spacing
Set Spacing to 1/8" ESC 0 27 48
Set Spacing to 7/72" ESC 1 27 49
Set Spacing to n/72"
(n = 0 to 255) ESC A n 27 65 n
Store Spacing Set
by ESC A n ESC 2 27 50
Set Spacing to n/144"
(n = 1 to 127) ESC % 9 n 27 37 57 n
Set Spacing to n/216"
(n = 0 to 255) ESC 3 n 27 51 n