40/100 x 65535 = 26214 blue
The printout from this set of numbers should produce a color close to the original. However,
it may be necessary to make minor adjustments until the right combination is found.
Once a color match is obtained, the RGB component numbers should be entered regardless of
the colors displayed on-screen.
To maintain color consistency it is recommended that OKI
consumables be used since they are
manufactured specifically for the OKI C9000 Series Printer and will produce the best color
Using the Color Swatch Utility
Note: The Color Swatch Utility is not available for the Windows 95 PostScript Driver. It can be
accessed in the Windows 95 PCL driver.
Differences in the way colors are represented on the computer screen (RGB) and the way they
appear on the printed document (CMYK) can result in undesired colors in the printed document.
Use the Color Swatch Utility to set your application's RGB values to produce the color you want
regardless of what you see on the screen.
Color Swatch Utility prints a series of sample colors each with RGB values listed
below. To ensure that a particular color prints true, pick the appropriate color from the swatch
and use its RGB values to designate that color in your software application (ignore the color's
appearance on your screen).
1. Click Start → Programs OKI C Series → Color Swatch Utility.
The Swatch Utility dialog box appears.
2. To set custom values for Hue, Saturation and Lightness, click File → Custom Swatch,
then make your changes in the Customize Color dialog box and click OK.
3. Click File → Print.
4. Make sure that the OKI C9200 or C9400 printer is selected, then print the swatch.
5. Find the color on the swatch that most closely matches the color you want, then use the
RGB values listed for the color to designate that color in your software application.