Item Description Emulations Group(s)
Data Word Size If your computer system uses seven bits ML only Set-Up
to make up each unit of data, change this
setting to 7.
Default Path Change to Rear Path or Front Path if you All Set-Up
wish the printer to use that paper path
as its default.
Diagnostic Test Change to Yes if you want to perform a All Serial I/F
diagnostic test of the serial interface
(see Appendix B: Interfacing).
DSR Signal Used with Ready/Busy protocol (factory All Serial I/F
setting) to determine the way your system
handles the DSR (Data Set Ready) signal.
DTR Signal Change to Ready on Select if the DTR All Serial I/F
(Data Terminal Ready) signal is required
when the printer is selected; leave as
Ready on Power Up if the DTR signal is
required when the printer is turned on.
Emulation Mode Sets the printer emulation. Not Printer
applicable Control
ESC SI Pitch Sets the character pitch used when the IBM only Set-Up
ESC SI command is received by the
Form Tear-Off Select 500 ms, 1 second, or 2 seconds to All Rear Feed,
turn the Form Tear-Off feature on and to Front Feed
set the time interval for the printer to wait
before advancing the paper to the tear-off
Graphics Change to uni-directional printing to All Set-Up
improve alignment between print lines
when printing graphics. This will slow
down the printing. Alternately, you can
leave Bi-directional enabled and optimize
graphics printing by adjusting the print
registration setting in the Set-Up group.