70 Microline 490/491 User’s Guide
Epson LQ Commands (Continued)
Epson Command ASCII Decimal
Line Feed, Execute
w/ Carriage Return LF 10
n/180" (n = 0 to 255) ESC J n 27 74 n
n/360" (n = 0 to 255) ESC ] n 27 93 n
Reverse, n/180"
(n = 0 to 255) ESC j n 27 106 n
Line Spacing, Set
n/360" (n = 0 to 255) ESC + n 27 43 n
or ESC [ n or 27 91 n
n/180" (n = 0 to 255) ESC 3 n 27 51 n
n/60" (n = 0 to 127) ESC A n 27 65 n
1/6" ESC 2 27 50
1/8" ESC 0 27 48
Epson Command ASCII Decimal
Set Left Margin
(n = 0 to 255) ESC 1 n 27 108 n
Set Right Margin
(n = 0 to 255) ESC Q n 27 81 n
Paper Out Sensor
Disabled (Off) ESC 8 27 56
Enabled (On) ESC 9 27 57
Print Quality/Font
Select LQ ESC x 1 27 120 49
Select Utility ESC x 0 27 120 48
Select Roman (LQ only) ESC k 0 27 107 48
Select Swiss (LQ only) ESC k 1 27 107 49
Select Courier (LQ only) ESC k 2 27 107 50
Select Prestige (LQ only) ESC k 3 27 107 51
Select Orator (LQ only) ESC k 7 27 107 55